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IPI names Iran’s Ahmad Zeidabadi World Press Freedom Hero

The International Press Institute (IPI) today named as its 68th World Press Freedom Hero prominent Iranian journalist, academic, writer and political analyst Ahmad Zeidabadi, who has courageously fought for freedom of expression, human rights and democracy in his country despite continued persecution by authorities. IPI also announced today that independent Turkish news platform was […]

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‘Rampant sexism’ in attacks on Turkey’s women journalists

The deterioration of press freedom in Turkey is hardly breaking news for international media; the imprisonment of journalists, the abuse of anti-terror laws, online censorship through blocking access to news websites and sporadic bans on social media are currently among the most well-known methods being used to silence critics. But another serious challenge to press […]

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Court: Turkey’s detention of Dündar, Gül violates rights

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed a ruling by Turkey’s Constitutional Court that the arrest and ongoing pre-trial detention of Cumhuriyet journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül violated their “freedom of expression, freedom of the press and right to personal security and freedom”. Local reports indicated that the decision would now be forwarded to […]

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Dominican Republic partially tosses criminal defamation law

In a partial victory for media freedom, the Dominican Republic Constitutional Court on Sunday invalidated provisions in the country’s press law criminalising defamation of government bodies and public officials, but declined to strike down criminal defamation more broadly. The Constitutional Court said in a statement that Arts. 30, 31, 34 and 37 of the country’s press […]

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