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IPI urges Kyrgyzstan to free journalist serving life term

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined in calls for Kyrgyzstan to free political activist and journalist Azimjan Askarov after the U.N. Human Rights Committee found that authorities had violated several of his human rights during his trial and the nearly six years he has spent behind bars. Authorities accuse Askarov of having caused ethnic […]

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Serbia’s independent media faces ongoing smear campaigns

On March 16, journalists of the Crime and Corruption Reporting Network (KRIK) in Serbia received numerous phone calls warning them that the editor of a pro-government tabloid had appeared on popular nationwide TV station TV Pink, where he promised to reveal the following day “what [KRIK editor-in-chief] Stevan Dojcinovic and KRIK are all about”. The […]

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Myanmar’s president pardons Unity journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed Myanmar President Htin Kyaw’s pardon of some 83 political prisoners, including four journalists and a media CEO imprisoned since 2014 over news reports on an alleged secret military chemical weapons factory. The pardon, signed by the president on Saturday, came just weeks after the new government of Aung […]

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IPI German, Turkey Committees respond to Böhmermann case

The German government today gave the green light for prosecutors to open a criminal investigation into popular satirist Jan Böhmermann over a vulgar poem ridiculing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in granting a request by the Turkish government, underscored that Germany viewed the deteriorating situation of press freedom in Turkey with […]

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