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IPI joins over 80 groups in calling for release of Syrian freedom of expression defenders

The following is an appeal from over 80 groups, initiated by the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) and PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC), calling on the authorities to free human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and writers in Syria, some of whom have been detained incommunicado: […]

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Daniel Pearl, Raymond Louw named IPI World Press Freedom Heroes

The late U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl and South African editor Raymond Louw were today named World Press Freedom Heroes by the International Press Institute. The Vienna-based press freedom organization will formally present the awards during a special ceremony at its annual World Congress, to be held between 24-27 September 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan. Wall Street Journal […]

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IPI: Turkey must stop violence targeting Syrian activists

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the attempted assassination of a Syrian media activist operating in Turkey and renewed its calls on Turkey’s government to end a spate of violent attacks on journalists and media activists claimed by the Islamic State group. Unidentified gunmen on a motorcycle shot Ahmed Abdul-Qadir, founder of Syrian website […]

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French magazine office firebombed

The offices of a French satirical magazine were attacked on Tuesday night after the publication featured a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad on its cover. Some news reports suggested that the magazine had not yet been distributed. According to news reports, a petrol bomb was thrown through the window of Charlie Hebdo’s Paris headquarters around […]

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