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Interview: Foreign correspondents still in shock after Gershkovich arrest

This week marked World Press Freedom Day as well as one month since the arrest in Russia of Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich. IPI spoke to Pjotr Sauer, Russian affairs reporter for The Guardian and a close friend of Gershkovich, on the challenges faced by foreign correspondents who have decided to continue covering Russia. […]

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IPI joins public call to protect press freedom in Burkina Faso and Mali

The IPI global network has joined with 29 other local and international media groups and press defense organizations in calling on leading regional and international institutions to ensure that press freedom and freedom of expression are respected and protected in Mali and Burkina Faso. Both countries are currently under military-led regimes, which have targeted government […]

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IPI urges authorities to reverse ban on Radio Azattyk operations

IPI and its global network today urge authorities in Kyrgyzstan to reverse a decision banning the operations in the country of Radio Azattyk, the Kyrgyz Service of RFE/RL, a U.S. Congress-funded media corporation. A district court in Bishkek handed an initial ruling in this direction on April 27. On April 27, a district court in […]

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WPFD: Das IPI feiert globales Netzwerk aus Journalisten, Redakteuren und Verlegern

#WPFD2023 Dieses Jahr, am Welttag der Pressefreiheit 2023, setzt sich das International Press Institute (IPI) für den mutigen Journalismus ein, der von Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes auf der ganzen Welt betrieben wird. Von der Aufdeckung von Korruption auf höchster Ebene, illegalen staatlichen Überwachungsprogrammen und sogar Kriegsverbrechen bis hin zur Forderung nach einem besseren Zugang zu Informationen […]

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