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IPI: Stellungnahme zum Verbot von RT und Sputnik

Read in English Als Reaktion auf die Entscheidung der EU, die Verbreitung der russischen Staatsmedien RT und Sputnik zu verbieten, hat das International Press Institute (IPI) folgende Erklärung abgegeben: Es besteht kein Zweifel an der Notwendigkeit, der Verbreitung von Desinformation und Propaganda entgegenzutreten, insbesondere angesichts der entsetzlichen russischen Invasion der Ukraine. Es ist auch klar, […]

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Zambian Supreme Court rules liquidation of The Post was illegal

On February 17, the Zambian Supreme Court ruled that the liquidation process of The Post newspaper was illegal, ordering it to be restarted in the High Court under a new judge to ensure “compliance with the relevant legal provisions”. The Post was shut down by officers of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) in 2016, just […]

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Russia: Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd blocked as state media regulator goes into censorship overdrive

The IPI global network today urges Russian regulatory and government authorities to immediately reverse the decision to remove two of the country’s last remaining independent broadcasters from the airwaves and to halt the censorship of media reporting on the reality of the war in Ukraine. On March 1, Russia’s general prosecutor’s office ordered the country’s […]

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Greece: Journalists targeted in several SLAPP lawsuits

The IPI global network condemns the string of recent SLAPP lawsuits by multinational companies and executives that have targeted independent journalists in Greece. IPI urges Greek authorities to prioritize creating anti-SLAPP legislation. In recent months, multiple journalists and media outlets in Greece have become targets of Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) brought by multinational […]

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