Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Neue Leitung des öffentlich-rechtlichen slowakischen Rundfunksenders wirft Bedenken hinsichtlich der Unabhängigkeit auf

Read this article in English Vor dem Hintergrund der Tatsache, dass öffentliche Medien in den Nachbarstaaten Polen und Ungarn zunehmend als verlängerter Arm der jeweiligen Regierungen fungieren, geben auch kürzliche Änderungen in der Leitung des Senders Radio Television Slovakia (RTVS) Anlass zur Sorge, dass sich die Dinge auch hier zum Schlechten wenden könnten. Infolge eines […]

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Orbán completes takeover of Hungarian regional media

Deutsch Half a year before parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government has finished buying up, through various cronies and government-friendly businessmen, all of Hungary’s regional newspapers. Since taking power in 2010, Orbán has slowly brought most Hungarian media outlets under his influence and the takeover of regional newspapers […]

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Jordan seeks to muzzle watchdog over foreign funding

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over the recent move by Jordanian authorities to muzzle an Amman-based media freedom organisation and the threat that the action represents to civil society organisations in the country. Jordan’s Companies Control Department issued an official notification to both the Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) and […]

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Turkey frees Kadri Gürsel, holds four from Cumhuriyet

ARTICLE 19, the International Press Institute (IPI) and Reporters Without Borders welcome Monday’s release of Cumhuriyet columnist and IPI Turkey representative Kadri Gürsel after more than 11 months in pre-trial detention. Gürsel was freed following a third hearing in the trial of over a dozen journalists and staff working for Cumhuriyet, one of Turkey’s last […]

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