Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

In Greece, local mayor targets press with defamation suits

The courthouse in the town of Volos, in Magnesia, Greece, is housed in an old white building with a front courtyard full of small trees and bushes. Some of the most well-respected journalists in Volos have gotten to know this building all too well over the last three years, having been repeatedly forced to defend […]

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Attacks against journalists flare up in Serbia

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed a decision by Serbia’s interior ministry granting Belgian reporter Philippe Bertinchamps a residence permit after previously denying Bertinchamps’s application on spurious “public order” grounds. According to reports, Bertinchamps, who has lived and reported from Belgrade as a correspondent for French-speaking media for many years, was threatened with expulsion […]

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Op-ed: Rule of law fades away in Turkey despite brief shimmer

Yesterday, IPI quoted the academic and journalist Mehmet Altan from his defence statement given on Tuesday when he said, “If the rule of law were upheld, I would not have gone through any of what I am going through. I am here because the rule of law has been destroyed.” Today, with six aggravated life sentences […]

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Türkiye, beşi gazeteci ve medya çalışanı altı sanığa müebbet hapis verdi

Read in English. Mahkeme bugün, 15 Temmuz 2016 darbe girişiminde rol oynadıkları iddiasıyla terör suçlamalarıyla yargılanan beşi gazeteci ve medya çalışanı altı sanığı ağırlaştırılmış müebbet cezasına çarptırdı. Uluslararası Basın Enstitüsü (IPI), gazetecilere yönelik darbe girişiminden açılan davalar arasında karara bağlanan ilk davada verilen hükmü şiddetle kınıyor, ve ifade özgürlüğü ve adil yargılanma hakkının ağır bir […]

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