Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

U.S. President Biden must prioritize press freedom during Middle East visit

The IPI global network urges U.S. President Joe Biden to prioritize press freedom during his diplomatic visits this week with leaders in Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, all of which have seen recent egregious attacks on journalists and media freedom that remain mired in impunity. We stand with our friends at the Committee to Protect […]

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Philippines: Court upholds Maria Ressa’s ‘cyber libel’ conviction

IPI expresses dismay over the decision of the Philippine Court of Appeals to uphold the cyber libel conviction of Nobel Peace Prize winner and IPI Executive Board member Maria Ressa and her former colleague Rey Santos Jr. on July 8. This case is a clear instance of targeted harassment of Ressa and Rappler in retaliation […]

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Ukraine: As war drags on, independent media continue to adapt

Deutsch With the Russian invasion bogged down in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian media outlets continue to adjust to the new reality of the war. From frontline coverage to new methods of raising revenues, the war has presented independent media with unprecedented challenges.  As Russia consolidates gains in Ukraine’s east, Russian disinformation and propaganda campaigns seek to […]

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Ukraine: Während sich der Krieg hinzieht, passen sich unabhängige Medien weiter an

Read in English Weil die russische Invasion in der Ostukraine festgefahren ist, passen sich die ukrainischen Medien an die neue Realität des Krieges an. Von der Berichterstattung an vorderster Front bis hin zu neuen Wegen zur Steigerung der Einnahmen hat der Krieg unabhängige Medien vor beispiellose Herausforderungen gestellt. Während Russland seine Gewinne im Osten der […]

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