Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

The state of media freedom in Nepal

Four new bills proposed by the government of Nepal in 2020 are still hanging over independent media in the country like the sword of Damocles. The Advertisement Regulation Bill, the IT Bill, the Nepal Media Council Bill, and the Public Service Broadcasting Bill, if passed in their current form, would criminalize different aspects of journalistic […]

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The state of media freedom in Bangladesh

The Digital Security Act (DSA), which was passed by the Bangladeshi parliament in October 2018, has become a powerful tool to stifle any form of perceived criticism, including independent journalism scrutinizing the action of government officials. The law is one of the most draconian in Bangladesh, as it provides sweeping powers to authorities to block […]

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The state of media freedom in India

Physical attacks against journalists as well as arrests under often-archaic laws interpreted beyond their legitimate scope to clamp down on critical journalists are only some of the tactics adopted by the government of President Modi to silence independent journalists in India. Furthermore, with mainstream media, in particular TV stations, increasingly forced to unquestioningly parrot the […]

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The state of media freedom in Pakistan

A large part of the media sector in Pakistan is facing serious threats as the government has shown increasing intolerance to critical journalism and as radical political actors regularly attack media outlets and journalists. The armed forces have also played a key role in stifling press freedom in the country. Cases of abduction, physical attacks, […]

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