Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Cyprus (North)

Two years on: IPI demands accountability for killing of environmental journalist Dom Phillips

The IPI global network urges Brazilian authorities to ensure swift justice for the killing of British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, who were found brutally murdered in the Amazon two years ago today. We call on authorities to ensure all who were involved, including the alleged mastermind, are held fully accountable […]

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Armenia: Authorities must investigate violence against journalists covering protests

The IPI global network expresses grave concern after more than 10 Armenian journalists were injured by police forces while covering the June 12 protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian. We urgently call for a thorough investigation into these incidents and urge the authorities in Armenia to ensure a safe working environment for […]

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European Commission study on journalist safety lacks solutions while security deteriorates

The undersigned organizations welcome the recent study on the actions taken by Member States to implement the European Commission’s Recommendation on the protection and safety of journalists. However, our coalition finds that the report lacks a critical assessment of on-the-ground realities that reduce the effectiveness of initiatives that otherwise look good on paper. We stress […]

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Medienfreiheitsgruppen weisen auf Diskrepanz zwischen den Ergebnissen des Berichts und den Realitäten vor Ort hin

Die unterzeichnenden Organisationen begrüßen die jüngste Studie über die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, die die Mitgliedstaaten aufgrund der Empfehlung der Europäischen Kommission zum Schutz und zur Sicherheit von Journalisten ergriffen haben. Sie stellen jedoch fest, dass in dem Bericht eine kritische Bewertung der Realitäten vor Ort fehlt, die die Wirksamkeit von Initiativen verringern, die auf dem […]

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