Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Cyprus (North)

Chile: Journalist dies of injuries sustained while covering protest

The IPI global network urges the Chilean government to take swift action to secure the safety of the press, after the death of journalist Francisca Sandoval, who was shot while covering a Workers’ Day march in Santiago on May 1. Sandoval died of her injuries on May 12. Authorities must conduct a thorough investigation into […]

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Ungarn: Fidesz-Medienrat bringt unabhängigen Sender Tilos Rádió zum Schweigen

Read in English Die Partnerorganisationen der Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) äußern heute ernsthafte Besorgnis über die Entscheidung des von Fidesz kontrollierten Medienrats – der mächtigen Medienregulierungsbehörde des Landes –, die Verlängerung der Frequenzlizenz des unabhängigen Senders Tilos Rádió zu blockieren. Unsere Organisationen sind besorgt, dass diese Entscheidung ein weiterer unverhältnismäßiger Schritt des Medienrats zu […]

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Hungary: Fidesz Media Council moves to silence independent station Tilos Rádió

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today express serious concern over the decision by the Fidesz-controlled Media Council – the country’s powerful media regulator – to block the frequency license renewal of the symbolic independent station Tilos Rádió. Our organisations are concerned that this decision appears to be yet another disproportionate […]

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Veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot and killed during Israeli raid in the West Bank

The IPI global network is horrified and deeply saddened over the killing of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot dead while reporting on an Israeli raid in the West Bank on May 11. According to Al Jazeera, Abu Akleh and a group of reporters were fired on by Israeli forces. IPI […]

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