Ma Ying-jeou, president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), will open this year’s IPI World Congress, the International Press Institute (IPI) announced today.

To be held in Taipei from 24-27 September 2011, this is the second time IPI will hold its World Congress on the island known as “Ilha Formosa” (Beautiful Island). It also marks the return of IPI’s annual event to East Asia after 12 years.

“We are still shocked by the tragic events surrounding the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences go out to our Japanese colleagues and to the people of Japan. However, we are convinced that the resilience and strength of the Japanese people will enable them to overcome this crisis,” IPI Director Alison Bethel McKenzie said.

“We are also convinced that we will be able to hold the IPI World Congress in Taipei as planned and that it will be a resounding success. Taiwan boasts a vibrant media landscape, a rapidly-growing global technology presence, and a thriving cultural scene, and we are excited that we will be there again,” she added.

The Congress theme – “The Asian Media Century? 21st Century Developments from New Technologies to Press Freedom” – will focus attention on developments in Asia in general and East Asia in particular, with a special emphasis on cross-Strait relations, China’s rise to power, covering a nuclear North Korea, and topics more closely focused on press freedom and the media industry in general.

Panel sessions will include: “Taiwan/China: Possible Scenarios,” “21st Century Rivals: Covering the Rise of China and Its Global Competition with the U.S.,” “Facebook Revolutions: The Media and the Uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East,” “Using the Internet as a Research Tool for Investigative Journalism,” “Following the Funds – Covering Development Aid and Corruption” and “Doing More With Less – How Media Outlets are Making a Virtue of Necessity,” among several others.

The IPI World Congress will be held at the Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel and will feature a “New Media & High-Tech Innovations Exhibition,” showcasing the latest in innovative media technology and information platforms. The Congress will also be preceded by an all-day workshop for business and finance reporters.

As always, the IPI World Congress will feature stellar line-up speakers from print, broadcast and online media, as well as renowned figures from the fields of politics, business and academia.

President Ma, who will participate in the Opening Ceremony on Sunday, 25 September 2011, formerly served as Justice Minister (1993-96), Mayor of Taipei (1998-2006), and chairman of the Kuomintang Party, or Chinese Nationalist Party, (2005-07). In 2008, he won the presidency by 58.45 per cent of the popular vote and was sworn into office on 20 May 2008. In 2009, he was again elected chairman of the Kuomintang, winning 93.87 per cent of the vote.

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