Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Letter: IPI/SEEMO alarmed at assassination attempt on a Serbian journalist

H.E. Vojislav Kostunica Prime Minister of Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Fax: +381 11 36 17 697 H.E. Boris Tadic President of Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Fax: +381 11 30 30 868 Vienna, 16 April 2007 Your Excellencies, The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East […]

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IPI calls for the immediate release of BBC journalist in the Palestinian Authority

The International Press Institute, (IPI), expresses its grave concern for the well-being of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, who was abducted by unknown assailants in Gaza one month ago. Johnston has been the BBC correspondent in Gaza for three years – the only western broadcast journalist both living and working there. He was seized by masked […]

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IPI gravely concerned about the fate of BBC journalist Alan Johnston

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, expresses its grave concern about the fate of the highly respected BBC journalist Alan Johnston, who is believed to have been abducted in Gaza on 12 March 2007. He should be released immediately. Johnston has been the BBC correspondent in […]

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IPI condemns attack on radio station in the Gaza strip

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, strongly condemns the attack on a pro-Fatah radio station in Gaza by Hamas fighters on 2 February. According to information before IPI, Hamas gunmen surrounded the Voice of Labour radio station in the town of Jebaliya […]

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