Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI welcomes Alan Johnston’s release, voices concern for deteriorating safety conditions for all journalists reporting from the Gaza Strip

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, welcomes the release of BBC journalist Alan Johnston after 114 days in captivity and is relieved that Johnston appears to be in good health. Johnston was abducted while on his way home from his office in […]

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IPI mission to Ramallah says the Palestinian Authority National Unity Government will also be judged by ability to resolve Alan Johnston’s case

The International Press Institute (IPI) carried out a four-day visit to the Palestinian Authority (PA) from 4-7 June, 2007 to advocate for the release of kidnapped BBC journalist Alan Johnston. While in Ramallah, the mission met with President Mahmoud Abbas, the President’s Chief of Staff Rafiq Husseini, Deputy Prime Minister Azzam Al Ahmed, Minister of […]

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IPI sends mission to the Palestinian Authority to advocate for the release of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston

The International Press Institute (IPI) will send a high-level delegation to the Palestinian Authority from 4 to 6 June 2007 to advocate for the release of kidnapped BBC journalist Alan Johnston. Johnston was abducted by masked gunmen while on his way home from his office in Gaza City on the evening of 12 March. At […]

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IPI calls on South Africa to ensure Zimbabwean government properly investigates journalist’s murder

On 31 March, the body of Edward Chikombo, a part-time cameraman for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), was discovered close to the village of Darwendale, outside the capital Harare. Armed men had apparently taken Chikombo from his home in Glenview Township on 29 March. According to information provided to the International Press Institute (IPI), the […]

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