Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

International Declaration and Best Practices for journalist safety launched

The International Press Institute (IPI), Al Jazeera Media Network (AJMN), Geneva Global Media and the Geneva Press Club today presented the International Declaration and Best Practices on the Promotion of Journalists Safety at an event organised in Geneva. The International Declaration, which was timely unveiled on the eve of International Human Rights Day, aims to […]

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South East Europe Media Forum opens in Bucharest

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) is pleased to announce today’s opening of the IX South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF), bringing together regional media CEOs, editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals and governmental and NGO representatives to discuss the topic “Media in South East Europe – the Struggle for Success on the Web”. The […]

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España: Los partidos políticos deben reforzar la libertad de expresión

El próximo Gobierno español debería derogar la controvertida Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana y recuperar la independencia de la RTVE, según un informe elaborado por un grupo de organizaciones internacionales defensoras de la libertad de prensa que se ha publicado hoy.

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With newest murders, assault on free expression deepens in Bangladesh

The Bangladeshi government must take swift action to protect all individuals exercising their freedom of expression in the country, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today, following last week’s murder of book publisher Faisar Arefin Dipan and attacks on three others. Dipan was found hacked to death on Saturday in his office shortly after news […]

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