IPI is opening applications to our Local News & Innovation Network, which brings together media innovators and local news professionals from every corner of the globe. At a time of unprecedented disruption in the media space, we’re building a community to help find creative solutions through knowledge sharing and innovation to achieve sustainability. Join us!

Our aim is to create spaces for media innovators, local news media and media startups from around the world to tell their stories, network, offer support, share, and learn from one another’s successes – and missteps. 

There are a few different ways we’re doing that: 

Firstly, through our Slack channel, which has over 100 members after a pilot phase.

This is the place to ask questions, connect with like-minded people, share tips and generally talk about what is and isn’t working, from tools in your tech stack to ways of reaching new audiences.

Interested? You can apply to the Slack community here.

We also host virtual newsroom visits, giving members an inside look at how their peers are navigating shared challenges. Previous newsroom visits have explored success stories from The News Minute in India and The Continent in South Africa, and we’re currently planning the schedule for summer/autumn 2023.  

In the future, we’ll be opening up opportunities for training and coaching to support your newsroom’s growth, and members of the network will be the first to hear about them.

The Local News & Innovation Network is open to people working in local news who are interested in media innovation, whatever your job title or seniority level. This includes those with editorial, tech, audience or product roles, and those in organizations whose work supports local journalism. 

Here are several ways in which the members engage within the network:

  • Offer Peer-to-Peer Support: Share your expertise, provide advice, and offer assistance to the members that seek guidance or have concrete problems to solve. 
  • Ask for Feedback. Have you developed a new product in your newsroom? Would you like to hear the thoughts from industry experts? Ask for feedback and receive mentorship support from the community.  
  • Share Events and Webinars. Are you organizing or have you come across the events on media innovation, local news, public interest media and other topics that are relevant to the network? Spread the word in the community and encourage others to take part! 
  • Explore Funding Opportunities: Stay updated on potential financial resources for your innovative new projects. Collaborate with other network members to explore joint (cross-border) funding applications or partnerships.
  • Learn from Country and Thematic Experts. Gain contextual knowledge on media and political developments in different countries by participating in discussions, asking specific questions pertaining to the countries and themes of interest, and receive input from members with diverse backgrounds.

While you’re here, sign up to our newsletter to learn about media innovation and receive regular project updates to your inbox! 

IPI’s Local News Network is supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.