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Problems remain for independent journalism in Belarus

Do recent events indicate that Belarus could fully turn towards Europe and pull away from Russia politically? In the last few months, a number of developments have excited observers in international media and revitalised old debates about the former Soviet country’s future. But despite positive indications, a broader view suggests that this prediction may be […]

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IPI condemns Russia stigmatising media freedom watchdog

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined international free expression defenders in condemning Russia’s move to stigmatise prominent Russian media freedom watchdog the Glasnost Defence Foundation (GDF) as a “foreign agent”. Russia’s Justice Ministry yesterday added GDF to its list of “foreign agents” under a 2012 law requiring non-profit organisations that receive foreign donations and […]

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IPI report on Jordan media freedom urges legal reform

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called on Jordan to repeal a new law reintroducing prison sentences as a potential punishment for journalists operating in the online sphere and for the head of the country’s Media Commission to follow through on a commitment to start a process to swap the country’s news website licensing requirement for a registration system.

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المعهد الدولي للصحافة يحث الاردن على الإصلاح القانوني في مجال حرية الصحافة

فيينا في 19 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2015 – دعا المعهد الدولي للصحافة (IPI) اليوم الأردن إلى إلغاء القانون الجديد الذي يقضي بإدخال التوقيف كعقوبة محتملة للصحفيين العاملين على الإنترنت ودعا أيضاً رئيس هيئة الإعلام إلى الالتزام ببدء عملية استبدال متطلبات ترخيص المواقع الإخبارية بنظام تسجيل.

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