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In Suu Kyi election victory, Myanmar journalists see chance for change

The date November 8, 2015 may go down as a historic turning point for democracy in Myanmar. On that day, formerly jailed opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) party won 390 seats in the country’s combined Parliament, enough for an absolute majority despite […]

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Turkey jails two journalists for report on arms delivery to Syria

The arrest and detention of two prominent Turkish journalists on groundless charges of aiding a terrorist organisation, espionage and disclosure of classified documents marks a disturbing new low in Turkey’s sustained assault on media freedom, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar and the paper’s Ankara bureau chief, Erdem Gül, were […]

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Journalist Maziar Bahari, formerly jailed in Iran, to join IPI for talk on film ‘Rosewater’

The International Press Institute (IPI) has teamed with Austrian human rights film festival “this human world” to present a screening of director Jon Stewart’s “Rosewater”, depicting Iran’s brutal imprisonment of acclaimed journalist Maziar Bahari, followed by a discussion with Bahari himself about the film and his campaign #journalismisnotacrime. The event will take place at Vienna’s Filmcasino theatre (Margaretenstraße 78, 1050) on Dec. 8 beginning at 8:15 p.m.

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Journalist Maziar Bahari, ehemaliger Häftling in Iran, führt ein Gespräch mit IPI über den Film ‚Rosewater’

Das International Press Institute (IPI) und das Film Festival „this human world“ präsentieren in einer Zusammenarbeit eine Vorführung von Regisseur Jon Stewarts Film „Rosewater“. Der Film zeigt die brutale Inhaftierung des berühmten Journalisten Maziar Bahari; im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung wird es eine Diskussion mit Maziar Bahari über den Film und seine Kampagne #journalismisnotacrime geben. Filmvorführung und Diskussion finden am 8. Dezember um 20:15 Uhr im Filmcasino (5. Margaretenstraße 78) statt.

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