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Azerbaijani journalist’s murder anniversary marked in Baku

The International Press Institute (IPI) today marked 11 years since the murder of Azerbaijani journalist Elmar Huseynov with a call on the country’s government to end impunity for attacks on journalists and to release those imprisoned in connection with their work. Huseynov, the editor-in-chief of Russian language magazine Monitor was gunned down on March 2, […]

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Press freedom under strain in Somalia in milestone election year

When a car bomb exploded at a security checkpoint near the Somali national parliament in Mogadishu in January, killing four and wounding 10 others, freelance journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul rushed to the scene to report the news. As police blocked off the area and emergency services worked to sort through the wreckage, a crowd of […]

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Fourth Somali journalist killed in as many months

Somali journalist Ali Ahmed Abdi was shot dead by unidentified assailants on Sunday evening, according to AP.  He was immediately taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The 24-year-old reporter was walking home in Gasoor village when he was approached by two men, who shot him three times in the head. Abdi was a […]

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Sixth journalist killed in Somalia in past six months

On the eve of World Press Freedom Day, a radio reporter became the sixth Somali journalist to be killed in the last sixth months and the fifth in 2012 when he was assassinated by unknown gunmen in Galkayo, Puntland. The International Press Institute (IPI) today vigorously condemned Wednesday’s attack on Farhan Jeemis Abdulle in Galkayo […]

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