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Finland: Conviction of two Helsingin Sanomat journalists sets dangerous precedent

The IPI global network today expresses serious concern over the Helsinki District Court’s decision on January 27, 2023, to convict two Helsingin Sanomat journalists of disclosing state secrets in the infamous Finnish Intelligence Research Center case. IPI is also alarmed by the court’s decision ordering the newspaper to remove the article in question from its […]

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How Africa’s The Continent is filling a market gap of 1.2 billion people

It’s one of the oldest bits of advice in the world: to everything, there is a season. Now, Africa’s WhatsApp-delivered voice The Continent has taken that idea to heart, both in how they approach their news cycle and manage their own mental equilibrium. The innovative concept of a continent-wide voice came out of those dark days […]

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Albania: MFRR and Safe Journalist Network condemn attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the Safe Journalists Network today condemn the shocking physical attack on Albanian journalist Elvis Hila and his wife in Lezhë and urge state law enforcement authorities to swiftly detain the suspected perpetrators and ensure that all those responsible face justice. The violent attack took place at around 4.40pm […]

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Russian authorities must revoke Meduza’s “undesirable” designation

IPI calls on Russian authorities to withdraw their decision to label the country’s most-read independent news website, Meduza, an “undesirable” organization. The designation carries even more serious consequences than the status of “foreign agent”, which Meduza received in 2021. It now means that collaborating with Meduza could entail criminal liability, including up to 10 years […]

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