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New voices, new tools: how Brazil’s media are emerging from the Bolsanaro shadow

Turning to data, diversity and democratizing access, new voices in Brazil are pushing back equally against the widespread news deserts and a legacy media still largely owned by not more than five families from the country’s elite. These independent journalism initiatives have been searching for new ideas to survive financially, helping to untie the knot […]

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Ethiopia: Authorities must lift suspension on 15 foreign media outlets

The IPI global network calls on authorities in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State as well as the Ethiopian Media Mass Authority (EMMA) to lift the suspension imposed on 15 foreign media outlets and their reporters from doing their media work  and allow independent reporting. IPI also calls on authorities to reinstate the license of the Somali […]

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Kosovo: Media freedom groups write to PM Kurti over RTK appointment

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined four international media freedom organisations in writing to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, to raise our shared concerns about a recent appointment to Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) which undermines recent reform progress. Read the full letter below.     Dear Albin Kurti, President of Vetevendosje […]

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IPI, partners request meeting with Kyrgyz president

Today, IPI and a group of partner organizations sent a letter to Sadyr Japarov, President of Kyrgyzstan, requesting a meeting to discuss the rapidly deteriorating situation of press freedom in this country. The letter was co-signed by Committee to Protect journalists, Article 19, Human Rights Watch, Justice For Journalists Foundation, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and Reporters […]

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