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IPI’s Cuban ‘Justice Denied’ journalist Omar Rodriguez Saludes freed, lands in Madrid

IPI’s Cuban ‘Justice Denied’ Journalist Omar Rodriguez Saludes has been freed from prison in Cuba and has landed in Madrid, his uncle, Miguel Saludes, told IPI by phone from Miami on Wednesday. Rodriguez’s arrival in Spain brings to at least seven the number of journalists who have travelled there after being released in recent days from […]

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Pius Njawe, founder of Cameroon’s first independent newspaper, dies at 53

Pius Njawe, the founder of Cameroon’s first independent newspaper and a tireless press freedom advocate, passed away on Monday afternoon as the result of a traffic accident. He was 53. The International Press Institute (IPI) joins Mr. Njawe’s family, friends and colleagues at Le Messager in mourning his tragic death. Mr. Njawe died yesterday when […]

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Tributes to Pius Njawe: 1957-2010

“I retain of him the image of a man of conviction, a man of principle, a man who had convictions he was willing to defend. He was someone who had a vision for human society, someone who fought for justice for all, and who was also a great defender of freedom of the press and […]

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Yemen freelance journalist held overnight by intelligence agents

Yemeni freelancer and Al-Qaeda analyst Abdul Elah Shaia was released this morning after spending the night in the custody of intelligence officials, according to media reports. Shaia was abducted last night outside of a restaurant in Sanaa by three unknown men, who forced him into their car and sped away, Shaia’s colleague, Kamal Sharaf, who […]

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