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Insurgents warn Somali journalists not to cover independence celebrations

The Somali Islamist insurgent group Hizbul Islam has warned Somali media against covering celebrations of the country’s 50th anniversary today, according to news reports. Hizbul Islam chief Mo’allin Hashi Farah told local radio stations that if they covered today’s celebrations they would “face bad consequences,”  a report from Sapa-AFP said. “We call on the Muslim […]

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Hungary ruling party announces postponement of media package elements criticised by journalists

Hungary’s ruling party Fidesz on Monday announced a decision to delay a vote on a number of media bills which critics have warned constitute a throwback to state control in the former Soviet satellite state. Hungary’s parliament was due to vote on Monday on the proposed creation of a powerful Media Council – strongly criticised […]

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Journalist abducted in Nepal

A Nepalese radio journalist was abducted on Wednesday, reportedly over his coverage of a land dispute. Keshav Bohara, a journalist working with Radio Mandavi in Nepal’s Mid-Western Pyuthan district, was abducted by unknown persons. According to IPI member and IPI National Committee General Secretary Taranath Dahal, Bohara had been reporting extensively on a dispute centered […]

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Fiji promulgates media law further restricting press freedom

The Government of Fiji has promulgated a new media law which severely restricts media freedom and ownership on the small Pacific island. The “Media Industry Development Decree 2010” was gazetted by the government on Friday, 25 June 2010 and entered into force yesterday. The Fiji Media Decree is designed to replace emergency regulations placed on […]

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