Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI special report finds ‘Democracy at Risk’ in Turkey

Turkish authorities’ failure to safeguard – and, in some cases, their active steps to undermine – the right to share and receive information has led to serious deficiencies in the country’s democracy, placing its future at serious risk, a special report released today by the International Press Institute (IPI) concludes. The report, “Democracy at Risk” […]

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Gag law lands first strike on free expression in Spain

Lea este artículo en español Since Spain’s Public Security Law, known as the “gag law”, took effect on June 30 last year, the number of court cases challenging the measure’s constitutionality or asserting that certain provisions violate fundamental human rights has proliferated. But despite disapproval of the law by a majority of the Spanish public […]

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Press freedom groups release Spain mission report as country’s crowded election year kicks off

Lea este comunicado en español Just over a week after the Spanish Senate approved a controversial new public safety law heavily criticised both in Spain and abroad for its possible effects on journalism, a report published today includes the law among seven key challenges to freedom of expression and the press in Spain The incorporates […]

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Grupos internacionales publican un informe sobre el estado de la libertad de información en España

Read this article in English Poco más de una semana después de que el Senado español aprobara la controvertida Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, duramente criticada tanto en España como en el extranjero por sus posibles efectos sobre el libre ejercicio del periodismo, un informe publicado hoy incluye a esta ley entre los siete desafíos claves […]

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