Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI seeks applications for journalism micro-grants in Turkey

Türkçe The International Press Institute (IPI) announces a call for applications by journalists in Turkey for a limited number of micro-grants of up to €500 to produce feature-style journalistic content analysing the impact that pressure on press freedom in the country has on other aspects of society. IPI seeks proposals for feature content targeted to […]

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Europe media coalition launches new guide for covering migrants and minorities

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined a coalition of seven other media outlets and civil society groups based in Europe in launching a new publication aimed at strengthening quality media coverage of migrants and ethnic and religious minorities. Reporting on Migration and Minorities: Approach and Guidelines reflects the conclusions of working seminars held in […]

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IPI urges Zimbabwe to drop charges against NewsDay reporter

The International Press Institute (IPI) today urged Zimbabwe authorities to drop criminal charges against a journalist who reported on a clothing donation given by Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe. According to reports, NewsDay journalist Kenneth Nyangani was detained on the evening of Oct. 2 and charged with “causing a criminal nuisance” after reporting that Mugabe […]

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Zurück nach Afrika! IPI hält Weltkongress 2018 nächsten Juni in Abuja, Nigeria, ab

Read in English Das International Press Institute (Internationales Presseinstitut, IPI) kündigte heute an, dass es seinen jährlichen Weltkongress 2018 vom 21. bis 23. Juni in der nigerianischen Hauptstadt Abuja abhalten wird. Unter dem Motto “Warum guter Journalismus entscheidend ist” (“Why Good Journalism Matters”) wird der Weltkongress die unverzichtbare Rolle von Qualitätsmedien beim Aufbau starker Gesellschaften bekräftigen. […]

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