Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Greek film critic waits 13 years to win insult case

Greek journalist Dimitris Danikas is well-known for his long career as a film critic for various media. What is less widely known about him is his patience and persistence: it took him almost 13 years to finally claim victory in an insult lawsuit against him. The thought of giving up never crossed his mind, Danikas […]

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Kritische Medien in Polen von Kürzungen der staatlichen Werbung betroffen

Read in English Beim Lesen der aktuellen Ausgabe der Gazeta Polska, einer rechtsnahen Wochenzeitung in Polen, stoßen LeserInnen auf eine Werbung für ein Lotteriespiel, das vom Mineralölkonzern PKN Orlen finanziert wird – ein Konzern, an dem der polnische Staat den größten Anteil hat. Blättern die LeserInnen ein paar Seiten weiter, erblicken sie eine ganze Werbeseite […]

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In Poland, critical press hit by loss of state advertising

Zur deutschen Version Opening a recent issue of Gazeta Polska, a Polish right-wing weekly, readers find a page advertising a lottery programme funded by oil company PKN Orlen, in which the Polish state has the largest stake. A few pages later, there is a full-page advertisement for PWPW, a state-owned company that issues official documents […]

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Turkey journalists on trial for report on Erdogan holiday

Trial starts on Tuesday in Istanbul for four journalists and executives from independent daily Sözcü who were targeted for arrest in May on charges that the paper’s July 15, 2016 report on where President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was vacationing showed complicity in the coup attempt that broke out that night. Izmir correspondent Gökmen Ulu, online […]

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