Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Egypt’s Shawkan: Jailed for taking photographs

Zur deutschen Version The arrest and continued pre-trial detention of Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid show how the simple act of taking photos with a camera can, in the eyes of the authorities, be considered a crime. They also show how much risk journalists in some parts of the world carry. Abu Zeid, who is […]

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Ägyptens Shawkan: Gefängnis fürs Fotografieren

  Read in English Die Verhaftung und andauernde Inhaftierung des ägyptischen Fotojournalisten Mahmoud Abu Zeid zeigen, wie schnell der einfache Akt des Fotografierens, zumindest aus Sicht der ägyptischen Behörden, zu einem Verbrechen werden kann. An seinem Fall zeigt sich auch, welches Berufsrisiko JournalistInnen in manchen Teilen der Welt tragen. Abu Zeid, auch bekannt unter dem […]

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Two Turkish journalists released, but at a price

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes the release on bail of two of its members in Turkey, Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Murat Sabuncu and investigative journalist Ahmet Şık, but emphasizes the damage that their unjust pretrial detention and other failings of the judicial process have caused to press freedom in the country. IPI Turkey Advocacy Coordinator Caroline […]

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IPI to monitor March 9 Cumhuriyet hearing in Turkey

The sixth hearing of the trial against staff and journalists of Turkey’s Cumhuriyet newspaper will take place tomorrow, March 9. The hearing, in which International Press Institute (IPI) members Kadri Gürsel, Ahmet Şık and Murat Sabuncu are among the defendants, was moved to Silivri Prison outside Istanbul, where Şık and Sabuncu have been in pretrial […]

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