Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

First-ever international press freedom mission finds US media under threat

The International Press Freedom Mission to the United States has said in its report that the US media is facing serious challenges to freedom of the press. The mission was carried out in January 2018, a year after President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. The International Press Institute (IPI) joined the 2018 press freedom mission, which was led […]

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WPFD: Corruption reporting a leading cause of journalist killings in past 12 months

On February 22 this year, police found the bodies of Ján Kuciak, a reporter with the news website, and his girlfriend at his home in Slovakia. Kuciak had been investigating corruption in government; his reporting exposing links between an Italian crime mafia and some members of the Slovak government was published after his death. […]

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IPI Executive Board declares solidarity with Gürsel, Cumhuriyet journalists

Türkçesi için tıklayınız Members of the International Press Institute (IPI) global Executive Board today released a statement condemning last week’s sentencing of Executive Board member Kadri Gürsel, along with more than a dozen of Gürsel’s colleages at Turkey’s secular Cumhuriyet newspaper, including several IPI members, to prison. The full statement can be found below. As […]

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IPI Yönetim Kurulu, Kurul üyesi Kadri Gürsel ve IPI üyeleri Murat Sabuncu ve Ahmet Şık ile dayanışma içinde

Read in English IPI Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri olarak, büyük bir endişe ve üzüntüyle gözlemlediğimiz Cumhuriyet davasının, uzun süren adli sürecin ardından geçtiğimiz Çarşamba günü IPI Yönetim Kurul üyemiz Kadri Gürsel, saygın üyelerimiz Murat Sabuncu ve Ahmet Şık, ve Cumhuriyet gazetesindeki diğer meslektaşlarımıza mahkumiyetle sonuçlanmasına şahit olduk. Geçtiğimiz 18 ayda, meslektaşlarımızın tutuklanmalarından bu yana, Cumhuriyet’in temsilcilerine […]

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