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Cumhuriyet davası gözlem raporu: Suç yok, delil yok, adalet yok

17 aylık adli süreç ve kolektif toplamı 10 yıla yakın tutuklu yargılanma süresinin ardından Cumhuriyet gazetesi gazetecileri ve çalışanlarının yargılandığı dava 25 Nisan 2018’de üç beraat, iki dosyanın davadan ayrılması, ve 2,5 yıl ile 10 yıl arası değişen 14 mantık dışı ağır hapis cezasıyla son buldu. Son kalan bağımsız gazetelerin birinin baş aktörlerine karşı görülen dava ne […]

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Successful start for investigative journalism fund #IJ4EU

More than 60 teams of EU-based investigative journalists have applied for grants worth more than 2 million euros as part of the inaugural #IJ4EU fund, jointly launched by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the International Press Institute (IPI) in March. The #IJ4EU fund is intended to support collaboration among EU-based […]

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IPI supports media freedom demonstration in Slovakia

Thousands of Slovaks marched in Bratislava on May 4 to protest against attacks on freedom of press in the country and to demand a proper investigation into the killing of reporter Ján Kuciak, who exposed corruption in the government. According to media reports some 15,000 to 20,000 people participated in the protest, which was held […]

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Bombings kill 9 journalists in Kabul

A double suicide bombing in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Monday killed more than 25 people, including nine journalists, and injured many more. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks. The first bombing occurred around 8 a.m. local time in the Shashdarak area close to several government institutions and the NATO headquarters in the country. A […]

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