Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Grants for Polish periodicals raise fears of political bias

Respected liberal periodicals failed to secure funding in this year’s grant awarded by Poland’s Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, an important source of income for them in previous years. The allocation has prompted allegations of politicization by depriving publications that do not share the government’s worldview of public funds. The grant is one of […]

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IPI calls on Mexican president and president-elect to ensure journalist safety

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for media freedom, today called on Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and the country’s president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to put an end to violence against journalists. López Obrador, leader of the left-wing MORENA party, won Mexico’s July 1 presidential […]

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I Subscribe – um den unabhängigen Journalismus in der Türkei zu unterstützen

Read in English Eine Bündnis aus Organisationen für die Meinungsfreiheit, angeführt vom International Press Institute (Internationales Presse Institut, IPI), startete die „I Subscribe“-Kampagne für unabhängigen Journalismus in der Türkei. Die Kampagne soll Leser aus aller Welt dazu ermutigen, die wenigen verbleibenden unabhängigen Zeitungen in der Türkei zu abonnieren und damit ein Zeichen für ihre Unterstützung […]

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Periodista bajo protección policial asesinado en México

Read this in English. El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) expresa su más sentido pésame a la familia y compañeros del periodista Francisco Romero cuyo cuerpo fue hallado ayer, 16 de mayo, con múltiples contusiones y heridas de bala en la localidad de Playa del Carmen, México. El presunto […]

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