Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

In Greece, judges’ application of European libel law seen as lacking

In December 2015, Greek legislators received plaudits for finally tackling the country’s industry of vexatious defamation claims by enacting important reforms to the country’s press law. Good laws, however, are only part of the picture: protecting journalists’ rights in defamation cases also depends upon having experienced and knowledgeable judges. “Greece may have truly taken some […]

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In Depth: Libel damages squeeze Ireland’s press

The amount that media outlets in Ireland are forced to pay in defamation cases is far above the European average and continues to spiral, despite reform attempts. In this in-depth piece,, part of IPI’s coverage of libel laws and freedom of expression in Europe, we take a look at what’s contributing to the rise, how Irish media are feeling the pressure and what solutions are in sight.

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Пособие по законодательству о диффамации переведено ещё на четыре языка

Изданное IPI и MLDI справочное руководство теперь доступно на греческом, турецком, итальянском и русском

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IPI condemns murder of Forbes Russia editor

Paul Khlebnikov, editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine, was shot and killed outside his office in Moscow on 9 July. Khlebnikov, 41, an American of Russian descent, was shot from a passing car about 100 meters from Forbes’ editorial offices in northern Moscow after he left work in the evening. He was hit […]

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