Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

IPI faults UK proposal to jail recipients of leaked info

The International Press Institute (IPI) today said it was concerned by a proposed UK law that could lead to prison time for journalists who obtain leaked official materials. The proposal by the UK’s independent Law Review Commission, part of an attempt to overhaul and replace the country’s Official Secrets Act to address modern threats to […]

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Locutores de radio abatidos a tiros “en directo” en República Dominicana

Read this statement in English. El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) insta a las autoridades de República Dominicana a lanzar una investigación exhaustiva sobre el asesinato de dos periodistas por parte de varios agresores aún sin identificar que abrieron fuego en las oficinas de la cadena de radio el […]

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Crewmember killed in Pakistan news van attack

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called for greater action to protect journalists’ safety in Pakistan after a TV news employee was killed in Karachi after militants opened fire on a news van in which he was traveling. Local media reported that motorcycle-borne assailants attacked the Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) van while it was […]

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Wave of attacks on Ecuador news sites before election

Lea esta noticia en español. Ecuador’s restrictive communications laws have limited investigative journalism to news websites constantly struggling amid precarious economic circumstances, so the takedown of five online media outlets in less than 72 hours following numerous digital attacks represents a troubling development. The incidents have come ahead of a presidential election set for Feb. […]

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