Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Jailed Turkey journalists get Austria press freedom prize

The International Press Institute (IPI) today saluted imprisoned journalists in Turkey who were collectively honoured with the Presseclub Concordia’s annual prize for press freedom and freedom of information at a ceremony yesterday in Vienna, but expressed concern that a Kurdish journalist was not given an Austrian visa in time to travel to accept the award […]

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Spanish platform PDLI wins Free Expression Award

The International Press Institute (IPI) today congratulated the Spanish Platform for the Defence of Freedom of Expression (PDLI, according to its Spanish acronym) on receiving the Association of Valencian Journalists’ 2017 Freedom of Expression Award. “IPI is extremely pleased that PDLI has been recognised for its efforts bringing Spanish civil society together to protect media freedom […]

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Activists in Vienna gather to support Turkey’s journalists

Activists in Vienna joined colleagues around the world marking World Press Freedom Day 2017 today by gathering near Turkey’s embassy to Austria to call on the Turkish government to free journalists imprisoned for their work. The activists had hoped to deliver a petition signed by more than 10,000 people calling on Turkey’s government to free […]

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IPI: Inhaftierte Journalisten in der Türkei sind nicht allein oder vergessen

Read this article in English Im Zuge des Weltpressefreiheitstages schickte IPI das folgende offene Unterstützungsschreiben für Journalisten, die in der Türkei aufgrund ihrer Arbeit eingesperrt wurden, an die Tageszeitung Cumhuriyet zur Veröffentlichung, damit diejenigen in den Gefängnissen, die daran gehindert werden, Korrespondenz zu senden oder zu empfangen, die Unterstützungserklärung auch lesen können. Der Brief, der […]

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