Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Belarus must stop attacks on press covering protests

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today called on authorities in Belarus to stop all attacks on journalists covering protests across the country following a disputed presidential election on August 9. Protesters took to the streets in nine cities across the country after […]

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Sudan shuts more media

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the decision by Sudan’s Empowerment Removal Committee (ERC) to forcibly close Taiba radio and TV channel on August 6, resulting in this dismissal of 105 journalists and media workers. “The government of Sudan is suppressing […]

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Ohne Index sieht die Zukunft noch düsterer für ungarische Medien aus

Read this in English. Dieser Artikel ist Teil von IPIs-Artikelserie „Medienfreiheit in Europa im Schatten von Covid.“ Die unabhängigen ungarischen Medien, die bereits wegen der weltweiten Coronavirus-Pandemie in Schwierigkeiten sind, haben ihren bislang größten Schlag erlitten, in einem Jahrzehnt, geprägt von ständigen Angriffen seitens des autoritären rechten Regimes Viktor Orbáns. In der letzten Juliwoche trat […]

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With Index gone, the future looks even bleaker for Hungarian media

Zur deutschen Version This article is part of IPI’s series “Europe media freedom in the shadow of Covid“. Hungarian independent media, already in turnmoil due to the global coronavirus pandemic, has suffered its biggest blow in a decade of constant attacks from Viktor Orbán’s authoirtarian right-wing regime. In the last week of July the vast […]

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