Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Indian journalist arrested over tweet amid growing online censorship

The IPI global network calls on Indian authorities to immediately release Mohammed Zubair, the co-founder of fact-checking website AltNews, who was arrested over a tweet from 2018. We condemn the online censorship of Zubair and journalist Rana Ayyub, whose tweets in India were withheld on claimed violations of India’s cybercrime laws. Twitter and other social […]

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Joint statement on the European Media Freedom Act

Click here to read our organisations’ letter to Prime Minister Petr Fiala and EU leaders about the European Media Freedom Act and the upcoming Czech Presidency ——————————- The European Commission is currently finalising the draft proposal for a European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). We thank the European Commission for taking on this task and the […]

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Chance for Czech Presidency of EU to champion media freedom

The International Press Institute (IPI) was today joined by sixteen media freedom and freedom of expression organisations from across Europe in writing to Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to urge his government to use it upcoming presidency of the European Union to help drive forward vital EU initiatives to protect media freedom across the bloc, […]

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Turkey: Photojournalist detained, reporters assaulted while covering Istanbul Pride march

The IPI global network of journalists, editors, and publishers is concerned by reports of journalists being subjected to brute force and detention while covering the Pride march in Istanbul’s central Taksim Square on June 26. We condemn the obstruction of journalistic work conducted in the public interest and call on authorities to meet their obligations […]

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