Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

International coalition starts Turkey press freedom mission

A coalition of 11 international press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists‘ organisations are leading a joint press freedom mission to Turkey this week from 6 to 9 October amid the country’s continued press freedom crisis, which has further worsened under the coronavirus pandemic. Representatives of the 11 organisations, led by the Vienna-based International Press […]

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Egypt arrests journalist Basama Mostafa

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today vehemently condemned the arrest and imprisonment of Basama Mostafa, a Egyptian journalist for Al Manassa website on Sunday. According to media reports, Mostafa, was arrested when she had travelled to Luxor district on October 3 to […]

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‘Repolonization’: Poland again hints at limiting foreign media ownership

Deutsch The subject of new rules on private media ownership has returned to the political agenda in Poland, rekindling concerns in the country and abroad that the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, which took control of the public television and radio broadcaster shortly after winning the elections in 2015, is trying to control privately-owned […]

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„Repolonisierung“: Polen deutet erneut Beschränkungen für ausländischen Medienbesitz an

Read in English Das Thema der neuen Regeln für den privaten Medienbesitz ist in Polen erneut auf der politische Tagesordnung vorzufinden und hat im In- und Ausland erneut Besorgnis darüber geweckt, dass die regierende Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit (PiS), die kurz nach dem Wahlsieg 2015 die Kontrolle über den öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernseh- und Radiosender übernommen hat, […]

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