Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

FEATURE: In Lebanon, murdered journalists also deserve justice

Those who planted the car bomb that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005 did not stop there. Among those targeted were journalists. In June 2005, history professor and An-Nahar columnist Samir Kassir was killed in a car bomb outside his house. Three months later, May Chidiac, a presenter for LBC television, survived […]

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Remembering Anna Politkovskaya: ‘She became a role model for many young Russian journalists’

It has been 15 years since prominent Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya was brutally murdered after receiving several threats. Her death shocked the nation and made headlines all over the world. Until this day it is unclear who ordered the assassination. On October 7, 2006, Politkovskaya was carrying groceries to her central […]

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IPI condemns murder of U.S. journalist in Iraq

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, strongly condemns the fatal attack on U.S. journalist and author Steven Vincent by unidentified gunmen in Iraq. According to information before IPI, Vincent and his Iraqi translator Nouriya Ita’is were abducted at gunpoint by five men in a police car […]

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Despite testimony, no justice for Guyanese journalist Ronald Waddell

Assuming the sworn witness was telling the truth, those responsible for the killing of Guyanese journalist Ronald Waddell must have thought the game was finally up. It was July 2009, nearly four years after Waddell’s death. The scene: a New York City courtroom, where a well-known lawyer was on trial for tampering with witnesses to […]

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