Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Study: Insulting foreign leaders a crime in 18 OSCE states

Just over one year ago, German satirist Jan Böhmermann performed a reading of a vulgar poem about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that would unleash both a debate about the limits of satire and the fury of Turkey’s thin-skinned strongman. Despite German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to grant Erdoğan’s request to allow a case against […]

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Greek journalist arrested on libel charges

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the arrest of prominent Greek investigative journalist Kostas Vaxevanis on charges of libelling the wife of the head of Greece’s central bank. Vaxevanis was detained yesterday morning after appearing voluntarily at a police station in Athens. A prosecutor later ordered his release pending preliminary investigation. According to Greek […]

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Wie österreichische Medien mit Hasspostings gegen JournalistInnen umgehen

Read this article in English Auch wenn das Thema „Hasspostings“ (gegen JournalistInnen, aber auch gegen Dritte oder abstrakte Gruppen) erst im Jahr 2016 eine erhöhte mediale Aufmerksam bekam, kämpfen Medien schon seit Längerem damit. Alle digital tätigen Medienhäuser mussten sich in den letzten Jahren Gedanken machen, wie sie mit diesen Herausforderungen umgehen. Dahinter stehen neben […]

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Austrian media use range of tools to fight online abuse

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch While the topic of online abuse – against journalists, but also against third parties – may have gained increased media attention in 2016, Austrian media outlets have struggled with the problem for some time now. In recent years, all media outlets with a digital presence have had to think […]

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