Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Vexatious lawsuits a SLAPP in the face for journalists in Croatia

On October 28, the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND) issued a stark warning about a new wave of lawsuits against journalists and media in the country. It reported that a dozen lawsuits had been filed by high-ranking politicians and public personalities, such as former Member of Parliament Branimir Glavaš, Rector of the University of Zagreb, Damir […]

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Another journalist killed in Philippines

The Philippine government should swiftly investigate the gruesome murder of journalist Virgilio Maganes and bring the killers to justice, the International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists for press freedom, said today According to media reports, Virgilio ‘Vir’ Maganes, a reporter for the local news outlet the Northern Watch, […]

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Aumentano le violenze contro i giornalisti che in Italia documentano manifestazioni anti-lockdown

Leggi questa dichiarazione in inglese qui Il consorzio MFRR esprime seria preoccupazione per la scia di aggressioni, minacce di morte e intimidazioni ai danni di giornalisti e operatori dei media che in Italia si occupano di argomenti legati al Covid 19 e raccontano le proteste anti-lockdown. Nelle ultime tre settimane, il consorzio ha documentato almeno […]

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Italian journalists covering anti-lockdown protests face increasing violence

Read this statement in Italian here   The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today expresses our serious concern over the string of physical attacks, death threats and acts of intimidation against journalists and media workers covering issues related to COVID-19 and recent anti-lockdown protests across Italy. Over the last three weeks, MFRR partners have documented at […]

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