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WPFD: Press freedom matters because humanity matters

Press freedom matters because humanity matters. IPI Executive Board Chair Khadija Patel puts it succinctly in a special video from IPI members to mark World Press Freedom Day. Today, on World Press Freedom Day, IPI stands in solidarity with journalists across the globe. We honour their courage in speaking truth to power and their vital […]

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World Press Freedom Day 2024: Media freedom groups sound the alarm over press freedom in Europe

On World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2024, the partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) stand in solidarity with media workers everywhere and draw attention to the deteriorating press freedom situation in Europe. Since WPFD 2023, the MFRR partners have documented more than 1,000 media freedom violations affecting over 1,500 journalists or media […]

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Internationaler Tag der Pressefreiheit 2024: Die Bedeutung des Journalismus für unsere Welt

Am Welttag der Pressefreiheit 2024 richtet das Deutsche Nationalkomitee des International Press Institute (IPI) den Blick auf Journalistinnen und Journalisten in allen Teilen der Welt und ihren wichtigen Beitrag für die Entwicklung aufgeklärter Gesellschaften und mündiger Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Seit seiner Gründung vor mehr als 70 Jahren setzt sich das globale IPI-Netzwerk für den Schutz […]

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11 trailblazing organizations shortlisted for 2024 Free Media Pioneer award

Ahead of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, IPI and IMS are proud to announce the 11 organizations shortlisted for the 2024 IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneer award.  These outstanding organizations from around the globe are meeting the moment by defending press freedom, filling crucial gaps in quality, investigative reporting, or driving media innovation. Amid growing […]

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