Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Palestinian journalist Ghufran Harun Warasneh shot and killed

The IPI global network strongly condemns the killing of Palestinian journalist Ghufran Harun Warasneh who was shot dead by Israeli forces on June 1 in the occupied West Bank. Warasneh was killed at an Israeli checkpoint near the Al-Arroub refugee camp as she commuted to her job at a radio station in the city of […]

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Increased attempts to silence Poland’s free media through lawsuits (Gazeta Wyborcza)

This piece is published in collaboration with Gazeta Wyborcza as part of a content series on threats to independent media in Central Europe. Read more. The article is also available to read on Gazeta Wyborcza’s website. Threatening to take the Gazeta Wyborcza to court, Piotr Woyciechowski, a close associate of the former Minister of National Defense […]

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Belarus: Journalist Andrey Kuznechik imprisoned for six years

The IPI global network condemns the six-year prison sentence handed down to Radio Svoboda freelance correspondent Andrey Kuznechik on fabricated charges in Belarus and calls for his immediate release. During a closed-door trial on June 8, 2022 that lasted only a few hours, the court in the eastern city of Mogilev sentenced the journalist to […]

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Media Innovation Europe

Introducing Media Innovation Europe, an ambitious initiative to energize the European ecosystem for independent and local journalism     The programme is run by the International Press Institute, Thomson Media, the Media Development Foundation and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network It is open to news outlets in more than 35 countries in Europe, including EU […]

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