Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

UK: Home secretary approves extradition of Julian Assange

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed dismay over the decision by UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to approve the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, where he faces prosecution under the U.S. Espionage Act. Assange, who has been held within the UK’s high-security Belmarsh prison since 2019, now has two […]

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Why section 153A of Indian Penal Code is under scrutiny

IPI’s media partners in the South Asia Cross-border journalism project in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal document press freedom violations in their countries. Imagine the Indian Penal Code as a rambling, ramshackle bazaar. Rambling, because its 23 chapters and 511 sections supply numerous legal provisions that the police and the courts would want to maintain […]

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Twenty-nine British journalists blacklisted from entering Russia

The IPI global network condemns the Russian government’s travel ban on 29 members of the British press, including reporters from The Guardian, Independent, and the BBC.  The journalists were included on a wider list of 49 UK citizens that Russian authorities have banned from entering the country. Russian authorities have framed the move as a […]

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Brazil: British journalist Dom Phillips missing in Amazon

The IPI global network calls on Brazilian authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the disappearance of British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, who went missing last week from one of the most remote corners of the Amazon.  Phillips and Pereira were last seen on June 5 in the […]

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