Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Iran: IPI condemns government’s decision to close reformist daily Sazandegi

The IPI global network condemns the Iranian government’s decision to close the reformist daily newspaper Sazandegi for allegedly publishing “false content” and “disturbing public opinion.” The Iranian government must stop attempting to silence criticism by punishing independent media and prosecuting journalists.  Authorities from the Press Supervision Council, a body of the Ministry of Culture and […]

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UK: End of Realtid case underscores urgent need for anti-SLAPP reforms

In January 2023, Swedish business and finance publication Realtid confirmed that they had reached a settlement with businessman Svante Kumlin over a legal action Kumlin had taken as a result of articles published in late 2020. Under the terms of the settlement, while Kumlin will pay part of Realtid’s legal fees, Realtid will keep the […]

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Over three years: Egyptian court extends detention of Al Jazeera journalists

The IPI global network condemns Egypt’s detention of Al Jazeera journalists Hisham Abdelaziz, Bahaa Eldin Ibrahim, and Rabie el-Sheikh. The Egyptian authorities must release them immediately. IPI calls on the Egyptian government to put a halt to baseless attacks on journalists, uphold its responsibility in protecting press freedom, and release imprisoned journalists in the country.  […]

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Czech Republic: What Andrej Babiš’s potential sale of Mafra could mean for the media landscape

Andrej Babiš, the former Czech prime minister and oligarch, will probably offload his media. Paradoxically, not because he is withdrawing from politics, but so that he can stay in it. This year it will be ten years since Babiš sent out what is probably his most famous tweet. The simple message set off wild speculation […]

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