Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sudan: IPI condemns killing of journalist Halima Idris Salim and calls for accountability

The IPI global network condemns the gruesome killing of Sudanese journalist Halima Idris Salim and demands a thorough and independent investigation to hold those responsible to account. On October 10, Salim was killed by elements of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), one of the two warring factions in Sudan, in Khartoum, the capital city of […]

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Italy: Roberto Saviano’s conviction a major blow to free expression

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins its Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and the other undersigned press freedom, free expression, and journalist organisations to express shock over yesterday’s criminal conviction of writer and journalist Roberto Saviano, in a case brought by current Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, and we convey our full solidarity with […]

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Turkey: International groups alarmed by the targeting of journalist Alican Uludağ

The undersigned media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations denounce the inflammatory rhetoric directed at Deutsche Welle (DW) Turkish service reporter Alican Uludağ by Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) officials and call on the Turkish authorities to ensure journalists’ safety. Journalists must be able to freely publish information they obtain on matters of public […]

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Franziska Tschinderle: Attacked by Orbán’s state media

Austrian reporter Franziska Tschinderle was smeared and discredited for five days in a row on Hungary’s most important TV news broadcast simply for doing her job.  The campaign targeting Tschinderle is the subject of a new investigation published today by the German newspaper taz as part of the IPI-led Decoding Disinformation Playbook project. Over the […]

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