Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Egypt journalists facing life, death sentences have difficulty appealing

Thirteen journalists sentenced to life in prison last month in Egypt and one sentenced to death plan to appeal the Cairo court’s ruling – but are constrained from doing so because they still have not seen that ruling in full, a representative of their families told the International Press Institute (IPI). The details of the […]

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Spanish public broadcaster takes ‘enormous step backward’

Lea este artículo en español In a move without parallel in the history of Spanish democracy, the News Council (Consejo de informativos) of Spain’s public broadcaster recently delivered a report to the European Parliament alleging that the broadcaster’s news services “are suffering from pro-government manipulation”. Speaking recently to the International Press Institute (IPI), the News […]

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Periodistas de RTVE: ‘Hemos vuelto a poner a RTVE al servicio del partido que está en el gobierno’

Read this article in English En un acto sin precedentes en la reciente historia democrática de España, el Consejo de Informativos de la radiotelevisión pública del país ha elevado al Parlamento Europeo y al Comité de Libertades un informe que denuncia la “manipulación progubernamental que están sufriendo sus servicios de informativos”. En declaraciones al Instituto […]

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Turkish journalists march to ‘stand up for journalism’

Turkish journalists marked World Press Freedom Day on Sunday with a march calling for people to “stand up for journalism”, saying that the fight for press freedom is “the struggle of every citizen that misses a free and democratic Turkey”. “[F]reedom is the oxygen of journalism, and free journalism is the assurance of democracy”, prominent […]

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