Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Turkey’s detention of journalists ‘monumental injustice’

Turkey’s imprisonment of more than 100 journalists for months without any chance to contest the flimsy allegations they face is a monumental injustice that is completely incompatible with democratic values, the International Press Institute (IPI) said yesterday. IPI made the statement on the one-month anniversary of the arrest of IPI Executive Board Member Kadri Gürsel […]

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Onlinebeschimpfungen von Journalisten während der österreichischen Präsidentschaftswahlen

Im Vorfeld der österreichischen Wahlen zum Bundespräsidenten am 4. Dezember sehen sich die Anhänger eines Kandidaten Anschuldigungen ausgesetzt, Online-Übergriffe auf Journalisten zu verüben. Die Wahl ist ohnehin alles andere als Routine: Die Kandidaten der Volksparteien schafften es nicht in die Stichwahl und schieden im ersten Wahlgang im April aus. Übrig blieben ein nominell Unabhängiger und […]

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Amid Austria election, party’s online posts draw abuse of journalists

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch As Austria heads into the final days before a Dec. 4 presidential election, one contender’s backers increasingly face accusations of encouraging the online abuse of journalists. The allegation comes amid an election that has hardly been routine: candidates from Austria’s two traditionally strongest parties failed to make it past […]

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Groups urge Panama to release Dutch journalist

Panamanian authorities should immediately release Dutch investigative journalist Okke Ornstein and abolish the crime of criminal defamation, Transparency International, the International Press Institute (IPI) and ARTICLE 19 said today. Ornstein is currently facing a 20 month prison sentence for reporting on alleged corruption through his blog. “Journalists must be allowed to do their jobs freely,” Cobus […]

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