Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Polens TVP ergreift bei Präsidentschaftswahl Partei

Read in English Auf der einen Seite: „Wir haben genug von Trzaskowskis Heuchelei”, „Das unsaubere Spiel der Gegner des Präsidenten”, „Trzaskowski führt eine Lügenkampagne?” und „Trzaskowski wird den Polen ihr Geld wegnehmen?” Auf der anderen Seite: „Präsident verteidigt polnische Familien”, „Duda: Ich setze auf eine pro-polnische Politik” und „Dudas Plan: Polens rasante Entwicklung” All das […]

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Poland’s TVP takes sides in presidential election

Zur deutschen Version On the one hand: “We’ve had enough of Trzaskowski’s hypocrisy”, “President’s opponents’ unclean game”, “Trzaskowski is running a campaign of lies?” and “Trzaskowski will take away Poles’ money?”. On the other: “President defends Polish families”, “Duda: I am banking on pro-Polish policy” and “Duda’s plan: Poland’s rapid development”. These are all captions […]

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IPI condemns Philippines’s decision to deny licence to ABS-CBN

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today expressed outrage over the refusal by a Philippine Congressional committee to renew the licence of ABS-CBN network, a widely watched independent broadcaster. The Philippine House committee on legislative franchises overwhelmingly rejected the motion to extend the broadcasting […]

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Malaysiakini should not be held liable for user comments

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today urged the attorney general to drop the contempt proceedings against Malaysiakini and its editor-in-chief, Steven Gan, and called on the authorities to cease the ongoing  harassment and legal attacks against this prominent media outlets. On June 15, […]

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