Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Hong Kong Police to impose government registration for journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today vehemently criticized the decision of the Hong Kong Police to stop recognizing journalists not registered with the government. The Hong Kong Police informed media organizations on September 22 that they would stop recognizing journalists who have […]

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In Hungary a government rattled by the pandemic finds new ways to suppress independent media

Deutsch This article is part of IPI’s series “Europe media freedom in the shadow of Covid“. When the coronavirus pandemic hit Hungary in early March, its effects were felt through the country’s entire economy. The already beleaguered Hungarian media sector was particularly badly hit when advertising revenue fell to minuscule levels. This forced many businesses […]

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In Ungarn findet eine durch die Pandemie verunsicherte Regierung neue Wege zur Unterdrückung unabhängiger Medien

Read in English Dieser Artikel ist Teil der IPI-Reihe „Medienfreiheit in Europa im Schatten von Covid.“ Als die Coronavirus-Pandemie Anfang März Ungarn traf, spürte man ihre Auswirkungen in der gesamten Wirtschaft des Landes. Der bereits angeschlagene ungarische Mediensektor wurde besonders hart getroffen, als die Werbeeinnahmen auf ein verschwindend geringes Niveau sanken. Dies zwang viele Unternehmen […]

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Hungarian embassies instructed to inform on journalists’ EU trips

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed serious concern over reports that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested its embassies in EU countries to deliver information about the activities of Hungarian journalists abroad. The global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom accused the Orban government of abusing the country’s […]

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