Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

#IPIWoCo Recap: Media and platforms – friends or enemies?

Tech companies have transformed the global media landscape and affected the ways we consume news to a large degree. Some of this has been positive. The platforms have made it possible for legacy publishers to find new audiences, for instance. As a result, in some cases, journalism became more accessible to the public. But the […]

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Serbia: Final appeal verdict approaches for Slavko Ćuruvija murder trial

This article was by Veran Matic, an IPI World Press Freedom Hero and member of the Serbia’s Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists. У наставку прочитајте на српском   The upcoming December could bring the long-awaited decision of the Court of Appeal and the end of the drama that has lasted almost a quarter […]

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Albania: Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting

The undersigned media freedom and journalist associations today express our shared concern over the blanket publication ban issued by Albanian prosecutorial authorities regarding a trove of hacked data, and stress that no journalist or media outlet should face criminal sanctions for publishing information in the public interest. While our organisations recognise the sensitive nature of […]

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Two journalists fatally shot by gang members in Haiti

The IPI global network strongly condemns the brutal killing of two young Haitian journalists, Frantzsen Charles and Tayson Lartigue, on September 11. We are alarmed by the escalating gang violence toward journalists and other civilians in Haiti and call on authorities to thoroughly investigate the attack and to ensure the safety of journalists working in […]

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