Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Italy: Public broadcaster RAI comes under serious political pressure

Freeing itself from political interference has always been a challenge for RAI, Italian public broadcaster. RAI has repeatedly fallen victim to politicized dismissals and efforts to control its editorial line. Perhaps most notoriously, Silvio Berlusconi, as prime minister, launched purges of critical journalists in what became known as the “editto bulgaro” more than 20 years […]

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Turkey: International groups condemn attack against journalist Sinan Aygül

The undersigned media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations strongly condemn the appalling attack on journalist Sinan Aygül that took place in Tatvan, a city in eastern Turkey, on June 17. Two people were arrested the following day charged with ‘intentional injury with a weapon’.  While we welcome the swift arrests, we call […]

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Romania: IPI supports independent newspaper Libertatea after shameful smear campaign

The International Press Institute (IPI) and our global network of leading journalists, editors and media executives today outline our support for independent Romanian news outlet Libertatea following a toxic smear campaign initiated following the tragic death of its journalist, Iulia Marin. Libertatea is a leading daily newspaper and online media website and is among Romania’s […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: The good and the bad of news on TikTok

TikTok and short-form video can be a huge asset to newsrooms, especially in reaching younger audiences, three TikTok natives said during the panel “Suddenly, It’s all TikTok all the time: Where does journalism fit?” on May 26 at the 2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival. Yet the format has real drawbacks, such as […]

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